Friday, May 21, 2004

Another Day...

The week is over and it was capped off with beer and pizza with LeeAnn, followed by singing along with the ringtones on my phone. I'm currently shopping for some fun, summer ring tones. Some front runners are: theme from Fresh Prince of BelAir, Love Train, Brick House, and Big Pimpin'. Careful consideration must be given to each possible new ring tone because the way your phone rings says so much about you. Besides, with as much as my phone rings, it has to be a sound I won't mind hearing up to 8 times a day.

I've completed some big things at work this week and have a nice sense of accomplishment right now. I have 110 someodd internship hours logged. 490 more to go. Working full time is a nice break of school, but would it be childish of me to say I'm not ready to give up college life? I think I'll take Fridays for me next semester. I'll use Fridays to get things (school work) finished and clean the house and other idealistic things like that, though in practice, I'm sure it'll mostly be used to sleep in after goofing around into the wee hours Thursday night.

Road Trips

I wish I would have taken a road trip somewhere this weekend. Not home, as nice as it is...I want a place that's new and sexy and fresh. Arkansas is by no means sexy and fresh, but it's not Murray and it's not too terribly far away...I think I'll pack some shizzle and go there next week. Hot Springs...Capone liked to go there, right? If it's good enough for Al Capone, it's good enough for me...except for the whole syphilis thing...

Crime Buff

Speaking of road trips, I have this book about famous crime landmarks and it'd be neat to be able to go visit the majority of places in that book, especially since it seems there's so much within immediate driving distance of Murray. Actually...that's a good idea. Comment in my blog if you want to accompany me to some notable places of crime history in the area on the weekends this summer. With gas prices being astronomical lately, I'd ask you to pitch in for gas, but we (me and brave souls) could pack a cooler and just go have fun. A lot of the places mentioned in the book are free or really cheap if I recall correctly.

Los Portales

This week, I was at Los 3 times in 24 hours. First I went with Nichole Wednesday night. Came home, ran into Gibson who was going to meet Rick and Shaina there, so went back to Los, where I drank water and had a grand time. Then, last night I went with Roni, where we were given blow pop suckers after walking to the register rubbing our bellies. True, it was a small gesture, but it was quite cool nevertheless.

Movie World

I think I'm going to start just hanging out at Movie World.

5 Good Reasons Why it's a Good Idea to Hang Out in Movie World:
1. Air Conditioning. True, I have my own, but I don't have to pay for the A/C at Movie World and summers in Murray are quite sultry.
2. When you go with a friend, you can have a ton of fun talking about movies. Face it, you're in a room full of conversation prompts.
3. When spending a lot of time in a video store, you can find hidden gems and find films to watch that you normally wouldn't.
4. Movies are cool.
5. Three words: The Back Room :naughty:

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