Tuesday, June 22, 2004


I have stories about my travels home and evening at the mall and two days of work, but overall, I just don't really know what to say. Thought about typing a long...prose about going to the underwear sale at Vicki's and realizing, upon seeing bins and bins of a pair of underwear like a pair I have and like (red and green plaid briefs, for those who want to know) and spacing out for a few minutes while pondering why I wanted that underwear and no one else did...what it was about me that makes me want the underwear no one else does. I could rant about the stupid "Mrs. Celebrity" purses (Mrs. Affleck, Mrs. Kutcher, et al ugh!). I could post here what I've decided I think/feel about a lot of people (it's all positive, don't worry) and how I'll never say it because I'm afraid of alienating my friends and scaring people off because yes, I can be overenthusiastic, but when it's all said and done, does it really matter what I think? Would that make any difference at all? Of course, there's always the old standby: work. I love and loathe my job simultaneously. There's always rambling about how someone can one day just become the epitome of rude and how it doesn't really matter what is said because nothing will change them...not even all the patience in the world. But all of my stories are boring and all of my thoughts...it's nothing that hasn't been pondered before. And what am I going to do about all of this? I'm going to do what any rational, weary, and utterly nerdly girl in Murray on a Tuesday night (or any night, for that matter) would do...I'm going to Wal-Mart.

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