Monday, February 28, 2005

Weekend Update

I've gone on a reading binge. Right now I'm simultaneously reading Red Dragon by Thomas Harris and Sideways by Rex Pickett. The plan is to have Sideways finished by next weekend for when I go to check out the film at Maiden Alley in Paducah. I'm also going to start reading Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham.

Last night was potato soup and beer night. Good times were had by all, though I did miss a few folks. I'm trying to enjoy seeing an apartment full of people while I can because in a few months, I'll be in a brand new city, more or less starting over (though I'd really rather not) and having to find more people for companionship. You bet your ass I'm keeping the friends I have now (you're all > *) but for a lot of you, I miss you already.

I take the GRE tomorrow. All I need is scores to graduate, so that takes some of the pressure away, but then again, I know that whatever is worth doing is worth doing well...or well enough to be able to take comps (comprehensive exams) so that I may finish my Master's. Anyway, if you see me after four tomorrow, there's a good chance I'll be either drunk some other sort of form. I'll be wanting to burn off stress somehow and would rather have company for said activity.

I've been having happy dreams lately. Those who know me well know that my dreams are often dark and violent. But the past few mornings, I've actually woken up smiling. And as for this morning, there's just something to be said about waking up from a delightfully naughty dream. ..

Last night's by myself and before bed moment was my favorite of the semester thus far...curled up on the couch under an old lamp and decorative lights, with a good book, the radio softly playing in the background, relaxing and feeling comfortable and satisfied with life.

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