Monday, May 02, 2005


I'm traveling to Peoria for a job interview later today. One thing is for certain: I'll return with a job or I won't. I've resigned myself to letting fate have it's way with me. The only thing for certain is that I'll have some stories to tell when I return and hopefully, people will want to hear them.

This Weekend I've Decided...

- I can pull off cropped pants.
- After cutting off half my hair and making it darker, I have to do a second take in the mirror to recognize myself.
- I have some darned good friends.
- Jaeger gives me the snots.
- The best way to eat a steak is with barehands.
- I should order more things through the mail; I love getting packages!
- The Big Lebowski never gets old,
- But feeling like you have to do a song and dance to be acknowledged does.
- When the power goes out, I still immediately wonder if someone has cut my power and is coming to get me.
- Manicures and pedicures are awesome. I'm going to make this a quasi-routine thing.

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