Sunday, August 20, 2006

Banjo Music on NPR and Other Things I'm Digging Today

My favorite part about driving downstate would definitely have to be the seemingly never ending supply of blue grass and bayou music on 91.3 WUIS Springfield. I could rock out to this music for days at a time. It makes me want to go get a cabin in the woods and enjoy the fall as God intended - sitting on a porch, in a rocking chair, whittling something, drinking whiskey spiked tea, smoking my pipe, and shooting at trespassers. Perhaps some day when I'm old and gray, I'll use the money I sold my good years for to get myself a cabin, a jar for sun tea, a rifle, and a hounddog who will be called 'Ol Smokey.

I'm also rather enamoured with my new blue suede shoes that I purchased for occasions requiring me to look presentable. This means I will be wearing them every day.

The new and improved Gordmans in Springfield in pretty sweet. Last March (or was it April), the store was eaten by the tornado that swept through Springfield. This evening, the store looked exactly as it did when it opened. Striped socks, a bottle of Blvgari perfume, and a celtic cross to keep demons away were purchased.

Corn dogs are currently high on my list of beloved items. I had my first one in quite a while at the State Fair on Friday evening. That night, I also took a ride across the fair, 40 feet up in the air, on the skytram. Once I made the mental calculation that I'd die instantly should the tram cables fail, I spent the rest of the ride trying to enjoy myself...and actually succeeded. Mind of matter. Mind over that nasty, nasty threat of gravity.

Finally, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is rocking my world. Gameboy SP for the win. Level 6 kicking my butt. Not so much.

Banjos, Blvgari, Corn Dogs, Video Games. These are the things that make my world turn.

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