Sunday, February 15, 2004

Happy Valentine's Day

Got a steak and super dodgeball for gameboy advance. In the few v-day's I've had with SOs in the picture-this has been the best. Low key, no drama, lots of fun...this is how it should be.


Yeah, that little box of them I had earlier...I think they were stale.


Something happened the other day that I thought was really funny but the other party doesn't remember and now I feel like an asshole. I suck. [i]GREAT[/i]

Rafferty's Steaks 0wn your mouf!

see aforementioned statement. the garlic roast mashed potatoes aren't half bad either

War on Soda

I'm going to attempt to greatly reduce the amount of soda I consume. Initial efforts involve keeping fresh brewed iced tea on hand. Will supply updates as necessary.

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