Monday, February 23, 2004

I've Just Shot Myself in the Foot

As you read this, kids, keep in mind that the moral of this story is "DON'T YOU PROCRASTINATE!!!"

I've currently got an awesome cover letter in sitting in my printer that I'm too chicken to send because I haven't had it rechecked even through 4 people have said it's good to go. I spent all day writing this letter and ended up scrapping it around midnight to churn out a superior version of it. I'm terrible at writing cover letters because I feel like a braggart/cocky in the written word. Fortunately, I have no problem doing this in person, so round one of interviews-BRING IT! I have scholarship material that needs to be postmarked by March 1st, which requires sending sending transcript request forms all over creation because I've attended like 3 schools (but keep in mind I got my degree in 4 fact, I got 2 degrees over the course of those 4 years-so don't forget to represent). I have to go to the post office to get stamps though because I became overly entreprenurial one day and sold all of mine. I need to eat something so my stomach doesn't implode and I die. I need to shower to leave the house to mail my stuff and eat. I have a test tomorrow that requires studying I haven't done all weekend and I have (WANT!) to go to a gathering tonight after class. And I've got a class tomorrow that I can't/shouldn't miss but want to because I feel it's the only way I can get all of this done. Did I mention I have to inventory the suite and have all of this done by Thursday because I have to be in Illinois by 5pm on Friday? GAH! So see, kids, had I started on some of this stuff earlier/done it right the first time, I would be employed, have my stuff finished, aced that test, been finished inventorying by now. BAH!!!

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