Sunday, October 10, 2004


This week marked my second trip to Louisville. While driving the entire length of the Western Kentucky Parkway is arguably one of the most boring stretches of road I've traveled, it is quite a pretty drive in the fall-with rust and gold colored trees lining both sides of the road for a large portion of the drive. I tried to cram as much fun and activity into this trip as I could, though I was only up there for about 25 hours. The actual purpose of going was to attend an Environmental Health and Safety "Mega Meeting" featuring a lecture on the reorganization of Kentucky labor offices and the meeting was informative, networking opportunities great, and I had a decent time.

Highlights of Louisville

1. Professional meetings are fun. I think I need to be sent to more of them.
2. Driving in Louisville is not bad because the roads are well marked.
3. Allison making potato soup and cinnamon biscuits for me.
4. Curling up in bed with a stack of magazines and Maddy the dog.
5. Lunch hour shopping at Jefferson Mall. I picked up some pear scented shampoo, so next time you see me, smell my hair-it's glorious.

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