Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Jerb v2.0

These days I'm working for the university as a Graduate Assistant, which is nice because I basically get to set my own hours and work as long and hard (or as little) as I please (seeing that I get things done). I'll be helping to create curriculum in Homeland Security, a topic that greatly interests me as well as a few other projects. When I'm not working on this, I'll be monitoring a computer lab for six hours a week, which gives me time to review for the GRE (if I'm going to take it, I might as well do very well) and work on classwork while I'm ensuring the computers do not walk away or someone flips out because they have to reset their account to log on to the computers (username: murray, password: racers, follow the instructions on the screen and stfu). I admit: I have it very well.

I'm digging my cubicle too. It's toward the front of the office, but it's actually in an area of low scrutiny (ie-I'm not as easily seen). This makes it a bit more tolerable that my back is more or less facing a door (one that gets little traffic, but a door nevertheless). I've always had this thing about sitting with my back to a door...perhaps it started when learning about wild west lore and the dead man's hand. Wild Bill Hickock sat with his back to a door and we all saw how that turned out (beware aces and I make a mental note to not play cards at my desk).

I have keys to various things around the department and access to office equipment, supplies, and the refrigerator (which I'm not going to use because I know I'll fly off the handle if/when someone eats my sandwich, especially since I've been buying the good sundried tomato turkey lately) . Now if I can only find a shredder. Once that (assuming it exists) is located, I'll be set because I've grown accustomed to shredding EVERYTHING before it goes in the trash because I'll admit that I'm paranoid of people going through my trashcan.

Finally, I get to induldge in the girlish joy of adorning my cubicle. The girl who had the cubicle before me had ladybug paraphernalia splashed throughout the far all I have is a poster for MIFA (Murray Independent Filmmaker Association) Movie Nights proudly displayed (Monday Nights, 7:30, Curris Center Theater, all the cool kids are doing it). I need some coasters and a cup to hold my pens and pencils until someone plunders them. Everyone else has pictures of their family, friends, pets, etc on display. I think I'll put up pictures of complete strangers, or the picture that came with the frame. That way, when someone points at a picture and goes "Oh, he's handsome! Is that your boyfriend? " I can say "No, he came with the frame."

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