Tuesday, January 18, 2005


How much proof does it take to adequately convince one of something? Of all the subsets of chemistry, the one that is most tricky is social chemistry. And yet, the rule of proof/disproof remains the same: a theory could be shown to be true a million times over, and yet all it takes is one experiment that successfully shows said theory to be false. Of course, theories are often based on observations of past behavior...so unless something seriously deviates from past precedence, the theory would probably hold sound. But nothing is certain because in social chemistry, variables like insecurity and overanalysis cannot be controlled for, therfore-what can be done to aid in predicting outcomes and making sound theories? While I ponder the methodology for such a thing, I guess I'll fall back on a component of science that often goes unmentioned: faith. Faith that intuition and gut feeling will lead to a cogent conclusion. Faith that all will some day be understood. Faith that I will not mess up this experiment. Faith that systematic error will not corrupt the experiment. Social chemistry-the most interesting, the most difficult.

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