Friday, February 29, 2008


Show the person you love that you care - break up with them

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Basement is flooded. Weather is awful. I think I'll move to Mexico

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Super Bowl Upset

Patriots lose - Giants win! David versus Goliath or karmic retribution for the whole filming plays scandal? Either way, tonight's game should make for some good watercooler fodder tomorrow.

I have a feeling I'll be staying up late tonight - have been sleeping a lot the past 3 days (worked from home Friday due to the 8 inches of snow coating the winding, hilly path I am required to take to get to work - and had quite the productive time preparing for Best Practice roll out; there's a lot to be said about working in a recliner) and getting way into the first 2 seasons of Breaking Bad on AMC. It's a show about a chemistry teacher that starts cooking drugs. Mr. Jeff and I have been picking apart the episode (props for the cameo appearance by our favorite acid, HF) while he works on his MBA and I blog and window shop for makeup and clothes.

(Seeing the new Clinique spring collection takes me back to February 2005 when I got the spring bloom line and spent the subsequent months adorned with soft shades of peach accented with lime green.)

Other highlights of the weekend included:
- baking a loaf of 9 grain bread that I accented with my own polenta-add in (Sparky bakes her own bread now - yet another reason to love her)
- watching movies (Shoot 'Em Up is incredibly vulgur and wrong...a modern day piece of grindhouse-style cinema and I loved it. btw - Monica Bellucci is gorgeous!)
- taking naps
- quesidillas at Jalepenos
- Mama's chocolate cake
- discovering that the East Peoria Kroger is a nice substitute for my beloved ghetto-Kroger on Sterling

In other news...
Still living in the basement of my parents' house, still happily engaged to Mr. Jeff, still freezing me arse off here in Peoria (though 30 degrees is starting to sound warm). I've been spending my evenings playing volleyball, becoming conversational in Spanish, and learning the basics of heat treating. The science of metallurgy is blowing my mind because I've never thought about phase change diagrams in the sense of the behavior of metal. (I've always thought more gaseous-liquid behaviors...)

And, wow - I just realized this is my first post since October.