Saturday, April 25, 2009

On Demand

I have found something to fill the deep void in my life...On Demand television. Right now, I'm in my second home, the cloth recliner, having yet another night of no sleeping due to my whacked out hours and my general propensity to being nocturnal.

Since discovering this nifty little feature of our overpriced cable service, I'm much less bitter at the cost knowing that I've been able to catch up on Season 2 of Breaking Bad. South Park on Demand, yes please. Watch the Hills? Why not?

Right now I'm awaiting daybreak with episodes of Veronica Mars from season 1. Sure, I have the series downstairs on the bookcase but...that would require me to get up. Then again, I have to shift periodically to avoid bedsores.

Could this be just a gateway drug to TiVo???