Saturday, August 29, 2009

Signs the World is Ending

I've been reading about the end of times lately. The latest theory is in the year 2012, when the Mayan calendar ends, the poles on the earth will reverse and the world will end in the process. There's little scientific support in such an event occurring, but I do think the end is in fact here, and see below for my reasons why:

1. Climate changes - they never bode well for any species, inevitably some species will die and others will emerge. Hence, our world, as we know it, at least, could end.
2. Increase in celebrity deaths. All of our entertainers will die and we in turn shall perish from boredom.
3. Proliferation of idiocy. The intelligent will be so busy working on bettering the world and academic pursuits that the intelligent will die off and the idiots shall reign supreme. Left to play with the toys devised by the intelligent, the world will inevitably end with a mighty bang preceded by a "hey y'all, watch this!"
4. Mr. Chevy Nova got engaged recently
5. Lately all the negative Nancies I know have been cheerful. If it wasn't said that some people get better just before it ends, I'd believe it based on seeing certain people actually crack wide, toothy smiles