Monday, November 06, 2006

Top 10 Ways to Neglect a Blog

1. Travel. Go places like Kentucky and Metropolis.
2. Work. A lot. Have a day where you work from 5:30-8:00 and then go back the next morning at 3. On the upside, I got to eat a lot of pizza.
3. Go Celebrate Accolades from Management. Why celebrate the Sparky? See #2.
4. Start reading everything in sight. I like magazines and books on gunfights.
5. Start sleeping at night.
6. Go see movies. May I recommend The Prestige
7. Perform a 5S event on your house. The 5 Ss are: sort...shine...sustain...I forget what the other 2 Ss are. Regardless, it's a weekend of putting things into containers and reducing home inventory. I'll show you my cabinet of organized and quasi-labeled foodstuff. It's rather impressive.
8. Go to a Hockey Game. Watch the Rivermen lose. A lot. (But not lose so badly that we can't redeem our ticket stubs for quarter pounders at McDonalds.)
9. Diet. I lost 6 pounds last week.
10. Home Improvement Projects. I assembled a two-shelf organizer this evening. It now holds shoes and a laundry basket filled with purses. I think I'll go back to Tar-jay and get a few more and some laminated particle board cubes and transform my sliding door, standard issue apartment closet into a California-Closet. And if not in this apartment, where ever I live next...

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