Friday, November 28, 2008

Stop the (Garbage) Truck!

I almost didn't get the trash out for pick up today because I forgot that pickup was today and not yesterday (due to Thanksgiving). After hearing the garbage truck rumble down the street I took off, stopping briefly in the garage to step into my shoes, and ran down the street toward the garbage truck as it was finishing up at the neighbor's place.

"Are you coming or going?" I called to the guy on the back of the truck. "Going!" he replied. "I forgot that you were coming today, would you swing around and take my bags?" "Sure!"

So, I ran back to the house and grabbed the three bags and carried them to the end of the driveway, giving two bags to the fellow and tossing another in the back. Mission accomplished.

On the way back to the house, I thought to myself that we have nice garbagemen. Then I also thought that it probably didn't hurt that I ran after them in a tshirt and no bra.


Ally said...

Jigga jigga jigga

Daniel said...

Hypnotized and mesmerized.