Thursday, October 21, 2004

Thoughts on Frontage Roads

When driving down the highway of life, it's inevitable that periodically you'll take the wrong exit ramp or end up going in a direction opposite of where you intend to go. But what do you do if you're headed in the right direction, you're sort of on the right road...but maybe you're not on the freeway...maybe you're on a frontage road. You'll end up at the same destination, but you'll have things like stop signs and areas where the speed limit is 35 mph. The road works, but you'd rather be blazing down the interstate at 70 mph. But maybe traffic is backed up on the interstate, so it's moving at the same pace as the traffic on the frontage road, so the scenario is now that regardless of which road you take, you'll end up where you want to be in approximately the same amount of time. Frontage roads are can easily pull into a gas station for a soda or a place to use the restroom...Krispy Kremes are readily accessible on frontage why does the interstate seem so appealing?

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