Wednesday, September 21, 2005

At the Forefront of the Mind

Deep thought of the day: When constantly barraged with signifiers and momentos of things/ideas, is it a sign or the brain making an association with something that is at the forefront of the mind.

For example, if a person were thinking of moving to Texas and suddenly noticed the word "Texas" emblazoned on everything, would this be a sign that "Yes! Move to Texas!" or would it be the mind noticing the sign as the thought of Texas is presently at the forethought of the mind.


I found the Popeyes on Knoxville and promptly negeted a week's worth of good eating with 3 hot wings, a biscuit, mashed potatoes and gravy, and a coke. A real one. Not the diet kind.

So much for a week of wheat-free, gluten-free, yeast-free, non-cruel bread.

New Hair

I had the 'do trimmed up last night and added some long, sideswept bangs. All day I've been blowing them out of my face as I'm too lazy to just reach up there and reposition them. I haven't decided if the blowing of the hair is cute and charming or strange and irritating. The stylist told me that I'd have to "train them."

"To do what? Tricks and stuff?"
"You're going to have to train your hair to do what you want it to. Train like a pet or a boyfriend?"
"So I browbeat it until it leaves me or pees on my rug?"

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