Monday, July 10, 2006


This afternoon, I was camped out on the couch, od'ing on The National Geographic channel. One of the shows (Hunter/Hunted) was about baboons attacking people in South Africa and this case in the northern region, where an old, male baboon grabbed a lady's 3 month old and held it hostage. The lady and a neighbor were trying to scare it away, but the baboon bit the baby and threw it down before running off. It is a tactic of the baboon to take the babies of their advarsaries hostage during combat. Also, biting the baby on the head is the baboon's preferred method of killing young, as they have really sharp and prominant front fangs. On the southern cape of the country, the baboon population has grown brazen around humans and will run up and mug them for food. I watched footage of a baboon stealing a woman's purse, rummaging through it, and throwing it at her upon discovering it did not contain food.

So based on the fact that baboons 1) bite babies, 2) take hostages, 3) can run 35 miles per hour, 4) mug tourists, and 5) smell awful, the verdict is that baboons are awful, awful creatures.

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