Monday, December 29, 2008

I Think it was All Just a Dream

Tomorrow morning I leave Florida and return to Peoria...

I'm taking bit of the pirate lifestyle with me. Look for some good things in '09. I have some good pictures too.

I've eaten more rare red meat, drank more alcohol, and spent more time lying in the sun than I have the collective of the entire year. It's been forever since I've felt this good.

Things to do upon my return:

1. Play with Sven.
2. Wash towels.
3. Buy a hookah.
4. Chill beer.
5. "Obtain" the Stone Roses' album from '93...I can't remember the song's name but it's something about "let me put you in the picture, let me show you what it means..."
6. Dust off guitar and give it another shot. I need a genre to learn, and not that surf music stuff either...
7. Pinch myself yet again.
8. Ring in the new year.
9. Sing a chanty and loot and plunder.... I purchased a "What Would Pirate Do?" decision making tool while in Key West - it's pretty awesome. Has a skull and cross bones spinner on it and everything. And yes, I did get a jolly roger flag that's going to hang in my office.

Farewell shorts and sandals...hello wool coat, if only for a few more months.

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