Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Creative Funding

I read an article on cnn.com tonight stating that California is kicking around legalizing marijuana and putting a $50 tax per ounce in hopes to raise money to get out of its current cash-strapped condition. Estimated figures put revenue generated at $1billion. So, the question is this - if California legalizes (the sale of) pot, do you think they'll tack on a bunch of regulations about how it can be used once sold? Will it be legal to possess it? Or will it be like the radar detector - sure, you can buy it, but don't be caught owning it?

The article also mentioned that Kentucky is putting a tax on ring tones.

Given all the Hollywood-types and other "important" people with cell phones in California and that marijuana is unofficially one of the cash crops of Kentucky, I think things may be a bit backward.


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