Saturday, January 22, 2005

...In Bed.

Here I lie in the dead of night, kept warm by the heat and glow of a computer. Technology-what makes the nights less dark and less cold. Currently my only source of intelligent conversation at this hour.

There's something about bed and night that's conducive to thought. I get some of my best ideas and I've had some of my best conversations while lying in bed. But I can't turn off my thoughts once my head hits the pillow. Not being able to turn off thoughts doesn't always have to be a bad thing. Believe me, more often than not, I'm awake thinking about the future-planning and plotting...I've solved problems, written papers, programs, and thought through laboratory work while lying in bed. Some of my greatest theories on life, love, and the universe have come to me in the night.

Here with this computer, it's nice to think of an idea and then google or wikipedia it to learn more information before jotting down some notes in notepad before moving on to my next idea. Having information at my fingertips is nice, but right now I wish I had some intelligent life or good company to listen, give feedback, or share ideas. It'd be nice to share some thinking space, but for now, I'll settle for the warm glow of the screen. Though let me say for the record, of all the things that can happen in bed, the sharing of ideas is (to me, at least) the most arousing.

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