Thursday, June 02, 2005


1. The New Audioslave Album (Out of Exhile): Tom Morello is a guitar-god! This album is most excellent but it's the guitar work that stands out the most so far. I'm giving another listen tomorrow on the way to Peoria and I can't wait to hear what else is going on in the music. Good times!

2. Chariot - Gavin DeGraw: This song sounds like something that would play over the opening credits of a really great dramedy series. And if you think the version on the radio is great, check out the "stripped" version of it. It's warm and intimate sounding - like a crackling fire.

3. Black Bertha, my new black leather recliner: It's a really soft black leather recliner. I think that's ample explanation.

4. Beverly Hills - Weezer (music video): Weezer and the Playboy Mansion - two things I want to see live.

5. Sweet Tea: I have been drinking ridiculous amounts of this stuff all week. The stuff is diabetically delicious!

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