Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Thirteen degrees. That's nineteen degrees below freezing and thirteen away from zero. Baby it's cold outside.

Last night I impulse bought a two scarfs, a hat, and some gloves. I almost got a coat but one of the Target associates pointed out that the collar looked a bit large. I did, afterall, solicit her opinion and by golly, she was right. I only wear one scarf at a time, the second one came as part of a set. After doing the math, I realized I could get a scarf, hat, and gloves for the same price as just a scarf and some gloves or a scarf and a hat or for $2 more than just a hat and some gloves. I got the second scarf because it looks like the Dolce and Gabana one I've wanted since 2002. Now, let it be said that I never wanted one that was actually D&G - just one that looked like it. I consider paying $300 for a scarf to be quite vulgar. Even if I had a million dollars, I'd still shop at Target.

It's been blowing snow all day as well. By the time I made it across "campus" to the building where I typically eat lunch, I was covered in a thin layer of snowflakes. My awesome lunch of tomato soup and Coke Zero fixed that nicely. Let it be stated for the record that Coke Zero > Diet Coke. It tastes more like Coca Cola Classic but doesn't have sugar. These days I loathe sugar nearly as much as I loathe gravity.

And I don't care none too much for gravity. Or Pepsi. Especially Diet Pepsi. A lot of people drink Pepsi up here. Damned northerners. (

As I was leaving work sometime around 6 tonight (as what's a good day of work if I get to see the sun at a time other than my lunchbreak?), I was offered a bowl of chilli. Three bites in, I was informed it was deer chilli. Unphased, I imformed the chef that "critter fries" used to be held at my old high school, where everyone brings in squirrel, possum, deer, snake, rabbit, (or anything else that lives in the woods) and tosses it in the fry-daddy. Better go grab some dye - my dirty southern illinois roots are showing.

A Brief Conversation about Florida

"How was Florida."
"It was good times. Though if you don't come back xenophobic and slightly afraid of crowds, you haven't experienced all the tourism that state has to offer."
"What's a xenophobe?"
"One who fears foreigners."

Did I mention I went to a Three Dog Night concert while down there. They didn't play "Old Fashioned Love Song," but their rendition of "One" more than made up for it.

Jeremiah was a bullfrog,


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