Sunday, August 13, 2006

Obligatory Update

I made an impromptu trip home this weekend. I packed and fled my home in 12 minutes, and this included two trips downstairs to get all my stuff into the car. I even remembered my golf shoes. Didn't make it home with socks or a contact lens case, but one can argue that the best road trips start with "I left my house in 12 minutes."

So why does one leave their house in 12 minutes, spur of the moment. Officially: I was fleeing from the mob. Unofficially: I got Peoria'd out. I'm not sure I like it up here anymore and these days, it doesn't take much to send me running for the city limits with quivering lip. Being let down by yet another person yet again sent me road tripping. Having my priorities out of whack sent me home yet again. My obliterated self esteem sent me packing, yet again.

Driving is a great way to clear the mind and devise plans. That doesn't work as well when you spend part of your trip yelling into a cell phone about how you'd almost rather be in Missouri and contemplating driving off a bridge. But then, somewhere past Springfield, I remembered that I had driven over my last bridge for the trip, so living another day was the only viable option. And then I sent text messages. I find myself sending to usual suspects and am begining to wonder if these lifetime updates aren't so much updates as requests to be rescued. I always thought that I was the hero of my own story but at the end of it all, maybe I'm just a girl in need of rescue. So if you're reading this, please come rescue me and we'll run off someplace sunny and not Peoria and live happily ever after...or until you get bored with me and cast me aside. Either way, I'm sure it'll be fun while it lasted. Yeah, rescue...I rest my case.

Mostly, I debated getting a haircut. The layers are out of control. Funny thing is, whenever I threaten to bob my hair, it does something adorable. My hair is like that worthless dog that pees on the rug repeatedly and when threatened with euthanization, thwarts a burglar. It lives another day.

Home was good and though I tried to put on a brave face, I ended up bursting into tears upon seeing my parents and crawled into bed with mom and spent the evening crying myself to sleep long after mom fell asleep and started snoring (which is okay because I snore too). Sometime in the night, I went downstairs and checked my email and started to blog about my satisfaction with being a constant option and after thought, but I navigated away from the page and lost my post. See, even the internet doesn't want to hear me whine and bitch. I took it as a cosmic sign to quit being such a little bitch and went back to bed.

Saturday morning was good - went to the grocery store and fruit market and hung out with Grandpa for a bit. Couldn't really understand what he was saying, but we had a good visit anyway. Found out that my uncle has been at Barnes Hospital for 3 weeks with the diabetes but he'll be coming home soon and no longer works and will be spending lots of time with his brand new grandbaby, born a few days ago at a healthy 7-11! After our visit, we all went home, cooked lunch and had several stiff drinks. Actually, we had Light Corona with lime, but to me and my reduced caloric intake (minus 20 lbs in 7 weeks), A beer is a lot of alcohol. Then I fell asleep in the chair watching a Rambo movie. Woke up, grilled out, took food up to Grandpa, who was more coherent than in the morning, and went back home. End of Saturday.

Today...steak and eggs for breakfast. Talked to Mom about what to do with the rest of my life the whole way back up to Springfield and then stopped in Lincoln for gas and Red Bull (sugarless) on the second leg of my trip. Yeah, that was my weekend. Bored yet? Still reading? This week will be better. I'm enrolling in a class for something to do. I wanted to take a Calculus class (yes, I'm a dork), but can't find one that is in the evenings. Right now, I'm either going to take Spanish, Basic House Wiring, Surveying (weekends), or Architectural Rendering. Flexing my mental muscle will be good for me. At least it's something to do.

Oh we've got big trouble. Right here in River City...

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