Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Week

I need something to distract myself, so I'm going to concentrate on having a great week of celebrating all hallow's eve. Yesterday, I picked up a skull bucket and this afternoon I'm going to pick up a wig and/or witches hat...maybe a festive Halloween-inspired shirt or at least some pumpkin-festooned socks. I still need to decide on a costume... right now I'm torn between meltdown 2007 model Britney Spears and Sarah Palin. The Britney costume would consist of a pink wig, torn hose, big sunglasses, an umbrella, a bag of cheetos, and lipstick smeared up the side of my face and 5150 letter pinned to my shirt. Sarah Palin would be my glasses, a skirtsuit, a sash that reads "Madame Vice President," a rifle, and a baby doll. Then again, there's always my old standby: whatever I happen to be wearing that day and a set of cat ears. Either way, I'm sure I'll think of something.

In other news, I'm in leadership training the majority of this week, which will be a nice reprieve from the preparation for upcoming CPS-audit mania that's overtaken work. I can't help but feel we're set up to fail this audit and that makes it easy to be fearful of the outcome. Then again, I know that I'm on a winning team with other like-minded people (None of lose. Ever.) so I know that while it'll be a race to the end, everything will be all right. But being away from work will do me well - my brain is oversaturated with it and all things related to it and found there.

Today...horror movies on AMC. Right now is Pet Cemetary; Nightmare on Elm Street was earlier. Christine is next, but by the time the credits roll on this one, I may be Stephen King-ed out, though craving a return trip to Maine.

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