Saturday, October 25, 2008

I Wish I was a Stingy Bastard

My generosity bites me in the ass again and again. While I've done a great job of not being taken advantage of financially, the first united bank of feelings has suffered yet another armed robbery. I'm locking up the feelings bank and throwing away the key. No more tokens, no more offerings, nothing to be given without preemptively getting something in return. I guess we live in a world where giving equates to neediness and either I send out the wrong signals (needy) or I actually am (needy). Perhaps I lack the ability to strike a happy medium of give and take, so I'll try my hand at take, take, take for a while and see if that gets me any further.

So get me some crime scene tape and set a perimeter, lock the doors, we're closed for business...

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