Sunday, August 21, 2005

First Solo Weekend in Peoria

Well, I finally did it. I spent the weekend up here by myself - no visitors, no road tripping, no one other than myself stepping foot into my apartment.

Though earlier, I thought the fire department may have been darkening my door as this weird, smoky smell filled my living space. It quickly disipated and all I can figure is that a neighbor severely burned something in the oven because that seemed to be the predominant component of the smell. Crisis averted.

I did go out this weekend. Due to the wonder that is the internet, I made the aquaintence of one Reverend Jeremey and his band of sons. This weekend's adventure took me to a bar in Morton, where I drank an indeterminant quantity of beer and some jager, on to some place called TNT in East Peoria that featured a Zepplin cover band and a barmaid with "jowels" and then back into Peoria, where the night ended screaming along with Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again" with the Rev. himself. Sometime around 3, I returned to my apartment reeking of bars and carrying a half dozen Dunkin' Donuts. Best night out I've had in a while.

Today was spent wandering the mall and people watching. An uber-Victoria's Secret opened in the indoor mall, so I spent some time painting myself up in there before picking up a cheap jacket (yay coupons) at Famous Barr. It's cord, of course, and it's red. So now, between my bachelorette pad and my hot red jacket, I'm going to get so much tail. Not really, but it sounds cool to say.

Recruitment went well. I heard the alphas are gorgeous and everyone is really happy. At first, I was kicking myself for not going down to Murray for Bid Day, but at the same time, I'm glad I didn't...something about living in the present and just stepping back and letting them have their moment. That, and I'm convinced I would have jinxed everything. Yes, in the ultimate display of superstition, I'm convinced that my mere presence would cause everything to fall apart. So one could argue that by not being there, I was helping...and getting imperical evidence that the world still turns when I'm not there (yes, I may be *that* self-centered).

This weekend, I also discovered that while warm pants out of the dryer is the ultimate in luxury, hot pants with hot rivets out of the dryer will burn you. I have two small spots on my hips where pants fresh from the dryer have gotten the best of me. Nothing like hopping into a pair of pants and then limping around the apartment going "ow ow ow!"

I also remembered why I no longer drink sugary sodas. Had two Dr. Peppers earlier and I just feel gross. Seriously - sugar water may drip out of my pores the next time I sweat.

And as the final point in this weekend update...I'm ready for fall. It's my favorite season. Right now, the windows are open, the fans are on, the air is off. I've got some pumpkin scented lotion on deck and I'm ready to enjoy all things associated with autumn. It's 60 degrees right now and it'd better stay that way because the summer clothes are going into storage and I'm ready for coats and flannels. Bring on the cider. Bring on the Pumpkin-Fest. Bring on the cool nights. I'm ready to fall into a new season.

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