Saturday, August 27, 2005

Hipsters in the Night

For starters, I got drunk on a "school night" (used to be literal, now the figurative term for one of the big five days of the week) twice this week. I endured ergonomics training. My desk was rearranged and just generally trashed, and the fellow who now sits behind me tried to decorate his area with my stuff. Yes, all the desks in TC-L come with marked up calendars and files on hydrogen safety and near miss recording.

There's this bar in the Metro Centre that has free pizza on Monday nights. This part also contains a husky voiced, white haired bartender with a pronounced brick red line around her brick red mouth and a middle aged man named Ray that reeks of CK-One and told me that at age 24, I'm "too damn old" for him. He looked at me and then looked at my coworker and said (pointing to him) "You must work on engines" and (pointing to me) "You must answer the phones." Well, if you want to break down our basic job functions, yes he is right. I'll go back one of these days if I'm brave enough and have the proper company.

The other drinking experience was last night on my balcony, drinking Miller and Blue Moon with the Rev. Thursday was grim but that helped. Also getting my box of goodies from Mario helped. I slathered my face in something called "whitening mask" and have been enjoying skin that's less marred by hyperpigmentation. Then I covered myself in "super emollient apricot body moisturizer." Then I ran around the house nude with the ac on full blast. I love living by myself. Though I have to warn everyone who steps foot in my house that I've probably sat on every couch, chair, countertop while not wearing pants at least twice.

I've been preoccupied with the idea of Bettie Page today. Well, more specifically, I've been thinking about how much (twisted?) fun it would be to dress up in a Bettie-manner and prowl the streets of Peoria. Okay, it'd be fun for me, horrific for everyone else who is not blind. But that could be my "out and about" persona. Just imagine...sensible safety woman by day, bondage queen with black hair and bangs by night. I can just hear the crack of the whip now...

Other preoccupations for the week:
-The idea of going out into a corn field and shooting guns.
-Pumpkin scented lotion from Bath and Bodyworks.
-Chocolate Fondue lip gloss from B&BW.
-My newly cut and highlighted non-sexually repressed bob. It's now redder, bigger, and shaggier. I've been styling it by driving with the windows down and moon roof open in order to get the look of having just had a roll in the hay, without the fun of having done so, of course.
-Gov't Mule. (Deja Voodoo, track #5: Slackjawed!)
-People I used to know that loved Gov't Mule and had many stories about the "old" days at MSU. We're talking early 90s here. Whatever became of this person?
-That scene in Kill Bill vol. 2 where Uma tells Bill that "You and I have unfinished business." From the moment where she tucks her daughter into bed and heads down the hall for the final confrontation to the hugging of the lion on the bathroom floor, I feel a lump in my throat just captures the feeling of sneaking out into the night to crucify the ones you loved.
-The musical stylings of Richard Cheese and Lounge against the Machine.
-Greaser boys with skinny asses.
-My favorite color of the week: hot chocolate/warm cocoa.
-The perfect cup of coffee.

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