Thursday, August 18, 2005

Life, According to Mel

A paraphrase of this afternoon's conversation out in the shop.

"Why you spend so much time here at work."
"Maybe if you find me a nice boy to go home to, you won't see my mug around here so much."
"There are some awfully good ones on second and third shift."
"Gee Mel, that doesn't work so well with my schedule."
"Now I'm sure you know that a husband won't make your life complete. There's a time and a place for everything and it all happens when you least expect it and don't count on it happening. And enjoy alone time. You can do what you want when you want and you don't have to take responsibility for anyone but yourself. Except for my dog and my cat. But have you ever looked at cats? Boy, they have it all figured out. They live in the moment. Those are independent-those cats. We should all be like the cats."
"Who feeds your cats when you're gone?"
"A cat, you can put out a litter box and a few days worth of food and they're set. No one takes as good care of my cat as me."
"I had this yellow tom cat that would scratch me when we left him at the vet while gone on vacation."
"I bet he pissed all over everything too! Tom cats are pissers!"
"Once he got sick and sprayed."
"My cat has never pissed or shit or puked on anything. He does that outside."
"I wish mine had."
"Cats have it all figured out. And one day you'll meet someone nice because there's a lot to do in Peoria. You just need to go to some singles places. But look out for people, they'll use you every way to Sunday. Be sure their intentions are good."
"You're right."
"Friendships are better than relationships because friendships change and that's okay. When things don't work in relationships, you're left feeling violated."
"So I just go to bars and I sit at the bar when I want to talk to people and sit at the bar. I sit at a table when I want to sit at a table. I need people in my life but not a person. But it'll happen when it's meant to. And there's a lot to do in Peoria."
"Well, have a good one."
"Welcome to Illinois!"

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