Friday, August 29, 2008

Touch Me, I'm Going to Scream

Labor day weekend in upon us and for some reason, I feel so amped, it's like I could jump clear out of my own flesh. Ames is coming up tonight and we're hitting up Chi-town tomorrow. Shhh - don't tell her, but I'm thinking of trying to find the lost race track in Raceway Woods again (same as the ill fated journey all around the 'burbs Miss Katie and I took a few years ago).

I've been on this huge making mix cd kick lately, rocking out to yet another one last night/this morning/today/whatever. Have I mentioned lately that I don't know what day it is anymore? It's just something that comes with the territory of working 3rd...but then again, I never knew what day it was 1/8 of the time anyway on days, so... But I've been all about forming the best sonic scape possible with my music at hand so I have something comfy to wrap myself in while driving from point A to point B. Of course, it's so nice that when I get to point B (or point HH), I don't want to leave the car. So, I've been taking music in with me and just listening to it (no headphones, I'm inconsiderate, yes? but my mixes are proving popular) at the computer, cranking it up the best the puny speakers on my laptop will allow. I'm causing people to come down with bad cases of nostalgia with some of these tunes; they make for great conversation starters.

This music helps me keep me in my happy place and stay invigorated. Manic? Maybe. But I'm getting the sonic warm and fuzzies and it's keeping me itching with anticipation.
For what - clean starts, new perspectives, getting to know people better, fall (which signals the begining of the end of this most challenging year). But I'm excited, the air feels electric and this is the soundtrack to it all.

BTW - even if we don't find the race track this time, I know I'm still getting Benihana out of the deal for driving. w00t!

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