Monday, September 01, 2008

Simple, Afterall

Tonight, I stayed up late tonight and drank a lot of coffee. I enjoyed the silence of Wal-Mart after 12:30 am and considered buying a beta-fish, which I would have named "Monster." I drove around the country, looking at the stars out the moon roof and listening to southern rock. I watched Elizabethtown and got all teary-eyed/homesick the same way I did the first, and only other time I saw it a couple of years ago. And then I sat in the recliner and thought about all I really want right now is a place in the country and an old hounddog and maybe a glass of makers on the rocks. And then I opened up my computer and posted this. And now, I'm going to sleep.

1 comment:

Ally said...

I'm homesick for you too :(