Saturday, November 15, 2003

Once again, the mexi-ranch at Applebees has appeased the bear within. Caught an early dinner with Jen then prowled the aisles of Wal-Mart, touching, smelling, and examining everything, which is quickly becoming a favorite past time of mine. I actually got out of there without buying anything, which is always a plus. You can pretty much find anything at Wal-Mart. And because the one in Murray is open 24/7, it's a good place to go wander around in the middle of the night when you're wide awake and there is nothing else to do. Once found a pair of light-up shoes there while shopping at 3am with Allison. Don't know who any of these people are yet-don't worry, you will. The last late night purchase was a pack of fake nose rings and a chinese zodiac necklace for the year of the monkey. If I had been born a month later, I would have been a cock...

Paper progress report: 3.5 pages.

Cyndi Lauper has a cd of love songs that you can order off the television. The commercial is hilarious in that "is this a SNL skit?" kind of way. Though nothing ordered off tv can ever be as disturbing as that Kids Bop Kids cd. There's just something about 6 year olds singing lyrics like "Love me when I'm gone" and "Save me from the nothing I've become." *shudder* Children of the Damned indeed...

Did I mention that on Thursday afternoon, I was standing in a room holding enough flammable liquid to leave a 1/2 mile deep crater in the ground should it explode? That's just a really weird feeling.

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