Monday, November 24, 2003


80s semi-formal this weekend. Costumes were great in execution, some problems arose. For starters, of all the people in the room, less than 5 understood the tshirt that said "Frankie Says Relax." If you don't understand, let me know and I'll tell you all about it. Second major problem, party nightmare realized, I showed up wearing an identical outfit to another girl. And woe of woes, I think she pulled hers off better than I. Where mine was more of an homage to Flashdance, she had the whole Madonna thing going on, complete with lacy glove and lacy bow in hair. I had fishnet stockings and a way-short skirt going though. Until I put on my artfully deconstructed sweatshirt, my outfit of black patent leather shoes, scrunch-socks/legwarmers, fishnet tights, short demin skirt, and tank top screamed could be summed up in the phrase "How much." The hair do was painful-literally. I about cried trying to take down the haggared side-pony tail. Side pony tail + hair down + 1/4 ('cause i'm an amateur) White Rain aerosol ('cause aerosol works best AND i hate the environment...and the fumes are groovy) and I looked so "good" it hurt...teased hair, yikes.

Anyway, left the party feeling really old because no one understood the tshirt AND we realized that some of the people there were born in 1985/1986...DUDE-was IN SCHOOL those years...

In conclusion, I'm old, but learning to deal.

Other news...procrastinated on a paper. All have to do is fill in stuff and type this pace, I'll be able to tell you all about later today's sunrise.

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