Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Tonight was the best night to be in the library...

Finals Week hours in effect mean the library is open until 1am. Yay for extra study in the library time. It's like studying at home, but there's no tv or readily available internet to lure my attention away from the books. Tonight must have been the most eventful night of the semester in Waterfield and I was lucky enough to be there.

Eventful Thing #1: So I'm sitting in the StarBooks area (coffee bar/play on words extraordinaire) studying ergo and I look up to see 3 students (appeared to be int'l, but that's beside the point) lighting stuff on fire and throwing it on the ground. At first I thought it was fireworks (so i guess them being int'l made me think fireworks), but it didn't make a pretty flash or go boom. They were standing around in a circle lighting paper on fire and tossing it onto the sidewalk. Went over and told the yellow-shirted Racer Patrol lady that some folks were lighting stuff on fire and then raced to the window to watch what happened. They saw her coming, stomped out the fire, and scurried off into the night.

Event #2: Some fellow brought his laptop battery to the front desk to get a charged one. Amanda, awesome girl/awesome sister, was working the desk and tried graciously to help him. However, her request for the actual laptop itself (needs the whole kit and kaboodle in order to get a newly charged battery) stirred a great and furious anger at her and he proceeded to curse at her in broken english before vanishing into the bowels of the library. This time, campus police showed up, complete with pulling up with car on the sidewalk, and had a chat with the fellow as to how to speak to the ever-cool library staff.

I'll be watching for both of these in this week's policebeat.

Ergo* vi sa vi conquortently class...t-minus 5.5 hours and counting...

*Ergonomics Class: Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders

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