Saturday, June 12, 2004

Sound fX

Raise your hand if you remember when the Fx channel was born, circa 1994! In the first 1 1/2-2 years of the fX channel, all shows were original programming filmed live from an apartment in New York City. "Television made fresh daily!" Sound Fx aired nightly (save Saturday and Sunday) around 10 pm and was hosted by some now famous people (Orlando Jones, Jeff Probst). This quirky little show featured interviews, music videos, album reviews, and guest performances by some really cool acts and acts that went on to make it pretty big. Shortly after the show was cancelled (?!?) in the summer of 1995, I started taping the final 2 week run off the television. I really wish this show were still around and yes, I actually shed a tear when I discovered that my favorite tv show was doomed because it was so cool and different from anything else on tv that it was very frustrating to see it go.

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