Sunday, August 29, 2004

Nasal Spray Anonymous

I am an addict. But fortunately, it's not to any illicit substance or life ruining concoction. Well, I'm sure this stuff could put a damper on my social life, but other than that, I don't really see how nasal spray dependence can ruin my life that much...aside from the social stigma that comes from being spotted with an object lodged up your nose. I resumed my nasal spray using ways last week in an attempt to keep my sinuses open so my ears wouldn't end up clogged (as they frequently do when I suffer from nasal congestion) and have been "spraying up" several times a day since. I'm curious as to how much I'll need the spray when the cold is over, the runny nose has disappeared adn I'm no longer popping sudafed capsules to get through the night.

Old and Busted Humor

Out: Keen social commentary and biting wit. In: dick and fart jokes. A black cloud has fallen over social interaction. If you need me, I'll be committing seppuku.

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