Tuesday, August 31, 2004

It's the Little Things that Do It

Tonight, while relaxing on the couch and reading Rollingstone magazine with Devin, he pointed out Michael Moore decided to drop out of college because he couldn't find a parking spot. I didn't find this so hard to believe because one of my grand theories on life is that it's rarely some large, cataclysmic event that promotes major life change; it's always the little things and the way they push us over the edge. Of course, being pushed over the edge isn't always a bad thing. We're not talking about the usual postal worker that shot up the place because the coffee in the break room was cold or anything overly negative like that (though while on the subject, yes, I do think it's little things like cold coffee that often do it). I'm talking about the guy that leaves his job to start his own business or the lady that decides to give her life long dream a go. I think I was pushed over the edge at work today. I'm not sure what did it or even what happened as a result...other than I've consciously decided that I don't like my job. I've got a little under a year to figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life but I know that whatever move I make next, I refuse to work at a place that is in any way similar to the place I am working now.

Speaking of college and decisions, the moment I decided to leave Carbondale occurred when I couldn't get a computer program to compile. I had literally stayed up all night trying to get all six files work to work in conjuction with each other to no avail. I went to class that morning, stared into space for the duration of the class, and then took my broken program to the instructor for help and then went to the computer lab to try to make it work...and it didn't. So, I gathered my things, logged off the computer and went to the admissions and registration building, had my records faxed to Murray State, dropped my summer programming course, and formally withdrew from SIU-C. I had been entertaining the idea for a while, but actually did it because I couln't get a computer program to compile.

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