Friday, September 03, 2004

Five Friday Facts

1. I'm wearing Spongebob Square Panties today. If you stop me and ask to see them, I will show them to you.

2. I had McDonald's Breakfast Burritos with hot sauce for breakfast today. I love breakfast burritos and endorse them whole-heartedly.

3. I woke up in a really odd mood today. Part of it was having a great night's sleep, another part was having really weird dreams which I recall as being cool, though I can't remember them. Finally, having been woken up by a corgi-dog hopping on me has put a nice, happy gloss on the world, so I'm sure I'm in an interesting mood today as a result. I also whole-heartedly endorse corgi-dogs, though I had no idea they were so energetic.

4. I'm driving to my parents' house in Illinois this evening, but I wish I were leaving later in the night. I feel the urge to play some trance music and have about 200 miles of road hypnosis. It's a great feeling.

5. I'm feeling really nerdy today. This is my preferred mood. I feel smarter, funnier, and more attractive when feeling nerdy because nerds are sexy and will one day rule us all! ...keep that in mind next time you're giving one of us a wedgie.

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