Sunday, August 22, 2004

Rush Fever

One week and hundreds of hours of sisterhood later, I'm relaxing at home trying to ward off rush fever. Just what is rush fever, you ask? Well, it's actually not a cute description of an overabundance of spirit or overexuberance or anything remotely fun like that. Instead, it's a strain of flu that's been running rampant at the RSEC and has felled many a sorority girl this week. There are two strains of it, upper respiratory and intestinal. The intestinal version got one of our girls and a few in some other chapters and some potential members (or as the old-schoolers call them, rushees). Most of our girls have had the coughing, sneezing, sore throat version and though I spent a large amount of time washing my hands, trying to avoid them, and pumping myself full of vitamins, I fear I may have contracted the respiratory version of it for today I am clammy with a scratchy throat and dripping sinuses. I've been guzzling hot tea and vitamin water like it's been going out of style (...or as if the stuff is jungle juice for that matter) and generally taking it easy. Unfortunately, taking it easy means the pile of laundry continues to grow and the sinkful of empty cups piles higher and higher. Tomorrow will be used to do what I didn't do today because I don't think I can bring myself to start school with no clean towels and a dirty house.

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