Tuesday, July 05, 2005

"Blame it on a simple twist of fate." - Bob Dylan

So you want to know what I think about religion? About evolution? About the origin of the universe? How did this all begin, why are we here and where are we going? Pull up a chair, fix yourself a drink, and listen carefully for what I'm about to say is going to make no sense whatsoever.

A higher power created the universe because those inhabiting the universe wanted so badly for there to be a higher power. And out of this want and need and great love and curiousity, matter was created and it began to spin and heat until it began to toss pieces of matter far away from the center of newly created mass. And then those pieces of matter continued to spin and split and soon there were galaxies and suns and rock and on those rocks, the atoms which made up the different elements began to react to create cells. Those cells divided and became numerous but then began to mutate after their structures were changed after being exposed to the ionizing radiation created by the spinning, heated mass known as the stars. Thus differentiated cells came into existence. This wasn't the cases on all of the planets because to sustain life as being too close to the stars would have too much energy to keep the cells together but being too far would not provide enough energy to power the cells and then "life" would stop. Pure chance, luck, whatever you may, is the reason the cells on Earth became "life." Maybe it was a God that caused this to happen. I've always thought that it was the best scientists who considered this to be a possibility because such a stance demonstrated an open-mindedness to all possibilities - even the divine. I actually don't think we're supposed to know the exact origin of our existence for if we really did know the answer to this - one of the greatest mysteries of humanity - what would be the reason for striving to find more answers when the answer to the greatest question of all is known. This is kind of like...why watch a mystery tv series if you already know how it'll end? I don't think we came directly from a bunch of monkeys. We're related to them...thus giving some validity to the phrase "well I'll be a monkey's uncle" ... but we're related to them as we are to all other living creatures on this planet as we all share the same basic chemical composition. There's such a divergance in the sophistication between humans and monkeys that there has to be some sort of intermediate we don't yet know of...but then again, maybe we were just created by God because He knew we wanted Him to create us. But don't forget that there would be no God if we weren't here, therefore it could be said that we in turn, created Him.

So, in conclusion...I don't know why we're here. I don't know the meaning of life, but I have an idea that some of the great philosophers/thinkers can give glimpses and insights into what makes this world go 'round. There is no set way for all - we just need to figure for ourselves what it is that gives this world meaning. To me, simply finding meaning and joy in the little moments is what defines a life. There is no grand scheme of things, no master plan. There is only the drive to get a better insight and understanding of the world around us and the love and energy it takes to try each day to leave the world a little better than you found it when the day began.

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