Monday, July 18, 2005

Crazy Idea of the Night

I woke up from a nap earlier and started toying with the idea of taking an abnormal psychology course at Bradley. Such a setting is the only place I can think of off the top of my head where it is appropriate to sit around discussing the confused and/or depraved. Well, I can do this at my parents' house. They've both taught courses in it. We were watching The Aviator this weekend and Mom told me that Howard Hughes probably had psychomotor seizures because of his ticks where he'd start repeating the same words again and again, like a broken record. When people have psychomotor seizures, they become fixated on ideas, words, objects. She once had a student in her class that would become fixated with shiny objects and shoes. Once, he had a 3 hour psychomotor seizure and unraveled his entire shoe, thread by thread during the course of it. The human mind is an amazing thing.

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