Sunday, December 18, 2005

Sunday Night

For starters, it just kills me that commercials refer to this area as "downstate Illinois." There's about 330 more miles of state south of here and about 300 miles of state north of here. Wouldn't "midstate Illinois" or "central Illinois" be a more appropriate descriptive term? Oh yes, that's right, there's nothing south of I-80. Absolutely nothing. At all.

I've done absolutely nothing this weekend. Absolutely nothing. I've been living off a steady diet of tv, taco bell, and self-loathing. Though thanks to a profound post on MSUR by Allison, I realized that my warped perception of relationships is the product of a statistical misconception, aka the Gambler's Fallacy.
So now that I realize this, I can move on about my fears of new relationships and concentrate my neuroses on something else - just in time for 2006. I guess now my biggest hangup is that the wonderful ones will lose interest in me and just go away. I get really scared of being abandoned and I think that's the reason why I have this near-constat urge to not settle in one place for very long and move around as much as I can. If I can be the first to go, no one will have the chance to just up and leave me. Speaking of broken logic...
Why is it that mathematics, something that used to be the bain of my existence, has become something quite comforting.

Thanks to the wonder that is TBS, I am now watching Forrest Gump for the second time this evening. It is impossible to watch this movie and not become teary-eyed a time or two.

Four more days of work until shutdown. After a weekend of doing nothing, it actually appears like I'll make it through the week. I just need to keep morale up and know that working all the time isn't the path to contentment. I think I'm going to go offsite for lunch on Wednesday and/or Thursday. And if I can, I'll sneak off at lunch on Tuesday for a discount carwash on Knoxville. (Ladies day at the gas station/car care place.) My black paint job isn't meshing well with the insane amounts of salt dumped on the roads up here. No wonder come spring these roads are as bumpy as they can be.

Bumpy...I really like the way that word fits in my mouth.

Other words that fit well in my mouth...calling someone up and saying hello and asking if they'd like to have dinner or a something as I pass through town on my way back home for Christmas. Until then, a poke on facebook will have to suffice.

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