Friday, December 23, 2005

Purloined from Other Blogs: Reflections of This Year

1. Was 2005 a Good Year for You?

The other day, I opened my new issue of RollingStone Magazine and noticed an article about how 2005 was not a good year. I wouldn't go as far as to say that 2005 was a bad year, but it was most certainly difficult. It was one, big, fussy baby of a year.

2. What was your favorite moment of the year?

Yesterday afternoon, actually. I was walking out the gates after putting in my last day of work for the year when I looked up at the sky and realized that while things were very much not like I had envisioned them, that I was at a place at my life where I wanted - gainfully employed, making some dough, and about to get an actual holiday break. And the sky was clear and I could smell spring in the air...even though we're due for another 22 inches of snow before the year ends. There's a lot to be said for becoming the person you wanted to be when you were 10.

3. What was your least favorite moment of the year?

Early April, somewhere in was at that exact moment that I realized that even gravity fails. And I was in Missouri.

4. Where were you when 2005 began?

Sitting at the kitchen table, playing cards and drinking whiskey with Grandpa!

5. Where will you be when 2005 ends?

I don't know.

6. Did you keep your 2005 Resolutions?

I no longer make resolutions. Everyday, we're all a work in progress.

7. Did you fall in love in 2005?

I drowned in it.

8. What is the stupidest thing you've done this year?

Probably trimming some dude's armpit hair in the bathroom of a shitty apartment in Morton, IL. That was pretty lame.

9. Regret it?

Ney. It makes a good, albeit weird, story.

10. Did you break up with anyone in 2005?

I had no traditional relationships this year. I did, however, preemptively call some things off this year as well as talk myself out of persuing a few.

11. Did you make any new friends in 2005?

There's a whole new cast of characters out there...

12. Who are your favorite new friends?

Peoria wouldn't be the same without the Reverend. This is a fact.

13. What was your favorite month of 2005?

August was pretty kickass!

14. Did you travel outside the US in 2005?

I went to Florida. Same difference.

15. How many states did you travel to in 2005?

Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, Florida, Indiana, Ohio, Georgia...surely there were more. I almost went to Pennsylvania.

16. Did you lose anyone close to you in 2005?

No one died, but there are many far away and a couple lost to me.

17. What was your favorite movie of 2005?

I saw Star Wars thrice in the theater. Waiting... was silly but it spoke to me. I loved the message: Sometimes you just have to show your balls to the world to shake things up and give life the momentum it needs to go in a different direction. It was profound.

18. What was your favorite song of 2005?

I don't listen to much new stuff anymore. Having said that, my (personal) definitive 5 of the year were:

1. Chariot - Gavin De Graw
2. Slackjawed Jezebel - Gov't Mule
3. Learning to Fly - Pink Floyd
4. Heart of the City - Jay Z
5. Something in the Air - Wilco (orig. by Thunderclap Newman)

A myriad of moments burned into my mind were accompanied by these songs.

19. What was your favorite record of 2005?

Late Registration blew my mind.

Led Zepplin IV for the rediscovery win.

20. How many concerts did you see in 2005?

A ton of locals while out and about, Three Dog Night in Florida, Montgomery Gentry in a cornfield, and Wilco in Chambana for the win.

21. Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2005?

Does the pope wear prada? Less now that I've gone legit.

22. Did you do anything that you were ashamed of this year?

Once my shame burned so brightly that the tungsten broke. If I did, it didn't register. Actually, being an ass to people. I burn with shame when I'm an ass to people. Especially family or friends.

23. What was your most embarassing moment of 2005?

They are innumerable. I was in a situation where the patrons of a beer garden were clapping and cheering and I've said some pretty stupid stuff this year. Oh, and I ripped my pants at work the other day. Right in the business district too.

24. What was your proudest moment of 2005?

This year I got a good job and a Master's Degree. I blazed a path of glory across the United States. I'm actually most proud that in the face of adversity, I've finally learned to only maneuver with grace and aplomb. Just still being here is an achievement. And so is being told that I've made things better.

25. What are your plans for 2006?

More fun. More money. More certifications. More adventure. More hope. More of everything.

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