Thursday, July 10, 2008

6.02214179 x 10-23 ^ malignant!!!

I'm having a mole cut off my arm 2 weeks from today. Here's how it went down: Saturday - smooth, flat, freckle-looking spot on my arm. Kind of cute, right? Sunday - mole itches, i scratch it and it hurts, it's a raised bump. Oh, a pimple, right? Ney - it starts bleeding on me. So not a pimple. Monday - it's still there. Tuesday - same story. Today, it hurts when I press on it. And, at the bottom of the raised skin is an elongated, demonic version of the cute, little freckle it used to be.

I'm getting this bad boy chopped off in 2 weeks. Something changes that fast, it's gotta be some skin cancer baby!

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