Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Bo Bear

Tonight's theme: arts and crafts. Went with Jen to Wally to help her pick out an art/craft project and left with one of my own: a plaster bear and some paint and brushes. The final result..."Bo Bear." Bo Bear is 7 inches of cuteness and you can put spare change in him. He'll probably need some extra touching up in the future (he's textured, so it's hard to get the paint in all the crevases) but he's looking mighty fine. Painted him dark brown with a red bow around his neck. The package directed his bow to be purple, but you just can't beat the appeal of a big, red bow. It took about 3 hours to paint him, but the work was done in stages and I stopped somewhere in the middle to make chili and then eat said chili (which was tasty, btw-and there's some left too). I'm going to look into finding different ones and painting more of them in the future. All in all, not a bad way to spend the evening.


Opened an account on amazon.com and immediately started ordering books on charm and etiquette. I got two books on how to be a Southern lady and two Ettiquette Grrls books. Not only will they be interesting reading, I just may in time learn how not to sit like a linebacker and manage to acquire a trace of social grace. Or maybe I already have more than I give myself credit for...the other day, I saw this really polished and accomplished girl on campus and now I just feel like the poor man's version of her. So now I've started a little side project to get some of that sparkle of shine for myself. Not getting an inferiority complex or obsession or anything weird like that...just using a little benchmarking for improvement purposes. Looking at her made me want to be a better version of me.


The chili was good, did I mention that?


Around 5pm yesterday, I was standing in ront of my closet debating whether or not to wear sandals to class. And now, it's 21 degrees out and blowing snow. Oh what a difference 30 hours makes. Went to Nick's for lunch with Andy, Devin, and Devin (as opposed to Larry, Darryl, and Darryl) and we all got hit by a blast of arctic air on the way to the Canyonero. It would have been funnier if the burst of cold air hadn't hurt so bad.

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