Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Plugged In

Sometime in the months that passed since the night I rushed my ailing laptop to Best Buy for repair, the laptop was recalled and I grew as a person by virtue of simply not having a computer so accessible.

I was without home computer from February 20 - April 11. In that time, I took up a new hobby, started feeling better about life with each passing day, and lost 6 lbs. I was forced to be more creative with passing time and learned to just stop waiting for life. I also gained a greater appreciation for buying an unlimited text messaging package as in that computer-less time, I've sent and received roughly 300 text messages. So now that the computer is back and the weather is warmer and it's lighter longer and all of this wonderful stuff, how am I spending my free time? Well, I'm blogging right now and earlier I was putting information thought to be lost back on my new computer (which is like my old one, but faster and cooler - it has a tv tuner and fingerprint data protection). Tomorrow I'm driving down to St. Louis for Easter. If it weren't for my folks wanting to see my replacement rig, I'd leave it up here as I'm growing accustomed to a life without zombification via computer screen.

Here is the portion of this entry where I could be complaining about how long it took to get a replacement computer, but instead, I'll say this about my experience at Best Buy yesterday afternoon: I tried to have eye sex with a floppy haired, bespectacled boy wearing a hoodie and a tshirt with some witty saying on it and then I contemplated getting some Stereophonics cds. After that, I made arrangements to pick up my laptop after the data transfer had been completed and then went good will store hunting and grabbed a bite to eat before returning a few hours later to triumphantly claim my new sweet computer. And that was pretty much it.

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