Friday, May 20, 2005

The Last Strong Hold of Youth

This afternoon, as I went speeding down highway 80, windows down - breeze tangling my hair, blasting Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness, I realized how this week's obsession with youth has been in vain.

I am so glad that I am 24 and not 16 years of age.

"But didn't we have less to worry about at 16 than we do now?"
Well, yes...actually back then the big deal was finding a part time job, gaining the affections of an object of affection, or getting into a preferred college. Now, at 24 there are bills and jobs and real adult issues with which we must deal. But it's okay. Because though we have more responsibility, we have more control over our lives. No longer are we at the mercy of our parents, our allowances, our school administrators. Not only are we the masters of ourselves, we have the means to do what we want - when we want to. The biggest trade off...responsibility for control over one's own life...

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