Monday, March 20, 2006

Yet Another 5 Things That Rock My World

1. Super Troopers. Every time I watch this movie, I notice something different. Did you know that when Thorny's about to ask the freaky-deaky Germans "Who wants a moustache ride?" he's holding a bundle of bananas? WTF?

2. The 355 Tollway. I never thought I'd be so excited to pay money to drive on a road. Then again, watching a Thunder Chicken smoking, flaming, and shooting oil all over the place on the side of the road made it pretty cool too. I never thought I'd be so excited about watching a cock-car go up.

3. Thymes Kimono Rose. This weekend at C.O. Bigelow, I picked up the Kimono Rose bath set, consisting of bath wash, body cream, bath salts, and a roller perfume. The scent is reminiscent of circa 1999 Anna Sui perfume. I have this thing about perfume and lately, I've had a thing about rose scented things.

4. Green Beer. The goodness of beer with all the fun of having a mouth stained an odd color. It also invokes statements such as "You know it's like...blabbity blah blah, fuck you green beer."

5. "A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages." - Tennessee Williams

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