Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bachelor(ette) Living

Once again, I ended my day with my supervisor telling me to go home. "You can't save the world in one day," she'll tell me from time to time.

My first stop was Wee Tee, where I got an extra large bucket of balls and a driving wood. Concentrating on hitting the ball, not slicing or hooking, and seeing how far I can get it to go are great ways of clearning the mind and making the world fade away. It's as nice as hitting baseballs, though there is more thinking involved. But, as with baseball, I've found that the less I think, the better I do. Just keep my eye on the ball, take a breath, and let it go.

My next stop was the Asian Grocery Store for a beer run. I had high hopes of wasabi and other chinese/etc delicacies, but instead found the place to be thoroughly Indian. So I got these crackers that are like a puff pastry with exotic seasoning...and some rooster sauce to adorn them. Miller lite and some tamarinds rounded out my purchase. But crackers aren't a balanced meal for dinner, so I ran next door to Pizza Inn for a medium cheese.

While waiting for my pie, I decided to put a few quarters in the racing game and take a spin through Vegas and a Dinosaur jungle in a white 'vette. Though today I told one of my coworkers that I'm scared of children, I found myself having a great conversation with the 4 year old girl sitting next to me while I played the racing game. Intently watching my every turn of the wheel and shift of the virtual gears, the little blond girl sitting next to me began to cheer me on and give me curious looks when I began commenting to her about how I should have selected an automatic car. By my second (and final) round in the driver's seat, I was asking her input on the type of car I should drive and the course to attempt. I think children like me...and don't tell anyone, but I think I like them back...other peoples' children, of course.

The rest of this evening has been spent ingesting massive quantities of hot sauce and beer and watching CSI and ER. ...and Robot Chicken. Se7en ala the smurfs...smurfin' A!

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