Sunday, October 30, 2005

Farewell, Night Owl Ways

I eschewed half-heartedly going out last night in favor of watching Saturday Night Live and then crawling into bed. This morning, I woke up at 8:36, erroneously thinking it to be 4:30 pm. Farewell Daylight Saving Time, we hardly knew ye.

After lying in bed (like Brian Wilson did) and watching the last third of Dogma, I decided to seek out a leisurely Sunday morning of breakfast burritos (meh) and Target, picking up glamourous items such as clothes detergent, shower curtain liners, and toilet bowl cleaner. I picked up this stuff called Kaboom, which can be used in one of two ways : Drop 1/3 capful powder into toilet bowl and let foam for a minute, scrubbing to remove dirt, then flush. Or, drop 1/3 capful powder into bowl, let foam for 10-15 minutes, then flush. The water in Peoria, containing who-knows-what, has this nasty habit of staining the bowl, so I forsee having to "kaboom" the bowl on a biweekly basis. Maybe I'll have to "kaboom" my shower curtain as well. The water in this town has stained it and I forsee having to replace this item thrice a year.

I also decided to pick up a new shower caddy. I presently have a suction-cup container overstuffed with bathing implements. Everytime I go to shower, it's moved a quarter of an inch lower. Perhaps the over-the-showerhead caddy will better hold my items without periodically dropping my overpriced shampoo on my foot. Also, I can move my razor from its dangling holder to something that won't drop it, cracking the moisturizing solid. On a side (cringe-inducing) note, I shaved off part of my fingernail last night. No amount of ridgefiller can disguise the damage done. Perhaps my asian lady can do something about this.

Yay! Ghostbusters II is on Comedy Central. /random outburst

I also picked up a decorative wall hanging for the bathroom and a clear vase and some pink-white roses for my bedroom. At first I was going to get some pure white roses, but then I recalled someone once telling me how they love white roses and that's forever ruined that flower for me. I hate it when people tell me things that become indellible in my mind, thus forever ruining something. So, from now on, ivory roses with pink accent is mine and only mine.

While walking past the cosmetics aisle, I saw that the Almay eye-color-enhancing sets were on sale: shadow, liner, and mascara all for the price of one item. The last thing I need is more makeup, but I put it in my cart anyway. I also picked up more face lotion. It's oil free and has spf 15. And older lady told me "it's guaranteed to make you beautiful." I responded with "I'm just looking for some moisture and spf." A $5.50 copy of the X-Files Movie made it into my cart as well. Everything else put in there were cleaning goods: bleach wipes, wood soap oil, detergents, and papertowels.

Finishing all of my Sunday shopping before noon brought on this oddly great sense of accomplishment.

My parents canceled their weekend plans. I'll see them tomorrow instead. This works out well as I'm feeling a tad asocial this weekend anyway. I used to *love* going out with people, but lately, I have no urge to see anyone by the time Friday rolls around. I did go to see Waiting... after work on Friday. This is a funny movie. There's not much to it and a large part of the plot is rooted in the "alien brains" gag, but I'm all for some balls-oriented humor. Check it out, it's a great way to spent 100 minutes.

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